Et fantastisk uttrykk som eg kom over på bloggen te Margot. Det e det motsatta av multitasking, så i steden for å prøva å gjør masse på ein gong fokusere ein heilt på kver enkelt oppgave.
Prøv det ut og se ka som skjer!
for 15 år siden
I should not talk so much about myself (...) Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the narrowness of my experience. - H.D. Thoreau
Takk for i sommer og god høst!
Forgetting is a circle
Leading on a slow existence
Fighting off shadows of a past
Painful to a soul
Who breeds only apathy
In an effort to cocoon itself
Into a shelter
Where it can be alone
Safely tucked away from the world
Set to change by its own will
To forget that one moment
And once that memory lost
It will emerge
Find another past
Destined to be forgotten
~Mike Searles~