tirsdag 8. juni 2010

som regel er det ikkje som vi trur.

ting, folk, situasjonar.
bakgrunnen er annleis,
røynda annleis,
samanhengen annleis.

men hovudet sviv,
lagar samanheng av ei røynd
som er pynta på,
på ein bakgrunn
som er tolka.

kva er det vi trur på?

søndag 6. juni 2010

"Your personality type is INFP"

Det sa en internettest jeg tok i en tid da flere av mine venner var hektet på Keirsey og MBTI på videregående. Ferie fra universietet frigir tid til for eksempel å rydde litt på en overfylt (ekstern) harddisk, der mange rare ting har blitt lagt innpå som del av en rask sikkerhetskopiering av diverse mapper... Jeg må innrømme at jeg ikke husker så mye om hvilke typer en kunne deles inn i, men se gjerne innom på f.eks www.mypersonality.info/personality-types/ eller www.keirsey.com og sjekk ut beskrivelsene av typene eller temperamentene.

Fant forøvrig nettopp ut (i en kommentar på et innlegg Julie hadde om temaet) at jeg visst tok testen to ganger - eller eventuelt to tester om det samme - der jeg ble både INFP og INTP. Hvofor jeg bare har lagret info om INFP vet jeg ikke, men hva tror dere, er dette meg? Mener å huske at Julie mente testene ga helt feil utslag da jeg tok dem sist =p

INFPs feel internal turmoil when they find themselves in situations in which there is conflict between their inner code of ethics and their relationships with others. They feel caught between pleasing others and maintaining their own integrity. Their natural tendency to identify with others, compounded with their self-sacrificial dispositions, tends to leave them confused as to who they really are. Their quiet personalities further feeds their feelings of depersonalization. The INFP's quest for self-identity then seems even more alluring — but increasingly impossible to attain.
As with all NFs, the INFP will feel lost and perplexed at stressful times. As stress builds, INFPs become disconnected from their own personality and perceived place in life. They will lose sight of who they are in relation to time and place. They may not make basic observations, while instead they will focus on the more abstract and symbolic meanings of a particular interaction. This can sometimes baffle those who expect more direct communication and a fairly concrete relationship.

Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counselling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfil their potentials.

INFP: "Questor". These people are idealistic, self-sacrificing, and somewhat cool or reserved. They are very family and home oriented, but don't relax well. High capacity for caring. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 1% of the total population.

tirsdag 1. juni 2010


Is nothing more
Than these moments in time
That we remember
And hold
Like a hungry child
Waiting for more
While most of it passes us by
Weeding out
Or choosing to ignore
What truly defines what we are
Then by choice
Or age
We lose our memories
And like sand falling through
Clutching fingers
We struggle to hold onto what we have lost
Only to find we lose ourselves
In a slow process of

~Mike Searles